What would I tell my younger self?

Dear beautiful,  courageous and intelligent brown girl,

Being alone isn’t the end of the world,  it’s  in the alone time you discover who you really are. Your likes and dislikes  won’t be clouded by so many voices and opinions. You discover what makes you smile, your favorite foods and most importantly your purpose in life.

Friendships/Relationships are good but, don’t ever force yourself to fit in. Don’t dumb down, don’t settle, and don’t  give in to make someone want or love you. Embrace your  uniqueness because there is always  someone admiring what you’re  uncomfortable with in your life. Having a good friendship really brings joy so, please pick wisely. Friends don’t always talk or see each other, but you count on your good friends.

Mom really  does have good wisdom that could  save you from a lot of pitfalls. Don’t place more value in other people’s voice greater than  your mom’s voice. She really has your  best interest at heart. She will love you when life disappoints you and even after you disappoint her.

Don’t rush to grow up, there is plenty of time to enjoy the things you’re hurrying to do. Learn to enjoy each moment of your life. Be present in your conversations with people. Soak in each moment with family and friends, the older you get time flies.

Smile, Be Kind, Be fearless and Be Strong…


You are a Woman on the move, so  that heartache,  that lost promotion, bad debt, or bad mistake won’t stop you from moving forward . Arise out of the past and move forward.


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Author: Women on the Move

I am a Woman of God who is determined to see other women succeed. I'm the founder of Women on the Move Ministries which offers monthly workshops to empower women. Follow me on FB to stay connected with Women on the Move Ministries Fb- womenonthemove8 IG- womenonthemoveministries Email- womenonthemoveministries@gmail.com

19 thoughts on “What would I tell my younger self?”

  1. Wow! I am proud of you this is great and very inspirational! Keep inspiring and empowering women to reach their greatest potential!


  2. This is AWESOME!!! Excellent words of wisdom I wish my younger self heard but it’s never too late 🤗🤗🤗
    Thanks for sharing. Peace n Blessings

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The greatest thing about this passage is that some way in another the women reading are all still young. I’m not today who I’ll be tomorrow. And who I’ll be tomorrow isn’t who I’m destined to be in my future so these words are very uplifting and powerful! Thanks for sharing 😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. To God be the glory for the great things He is birthing. Keep encouraging and uplifting the women of God to fall in love with themselves and learn who they really are. Love it

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All words of truth. I enjoyed reading this passage. Please continue spreading your message of positivity; the world needs more of it. I plan to share your message with my daughters as this is something we all could use. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is awesome and very inspirational !!! A well needed word indeed. So proud of you … keep pushing ! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you next! A must share for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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